#privacy #EFF #PrivacyProtectionAct 新技术正在极大地推进我们的自由,但它们也令无与伦比的隐私入侵成为可能。国家和国际法律尚未赶上新数字技术带来的不断变化的隐私需求。 尊重个人的自主权、匿名发言权和自由结社的权利必须与执法等合法关切相平衡,...
#privacy #EFF #PrivacyProtectionAct 新技术正在极大地推进我们的自由,但它们也令无与伦比的隐私入侵成为可能。国家和国际法律尚未赶上新数字技术带来的不断变化的隐私需求。 尊重个人的自主权、匿名发言权和自由结社的权利必须与执法等合法关切相平衡,...
#China #censorship #surveillance Chinese city shops ordered to start using government-approved routers But the router brand they chose...
#surveillancesociety #China China has started ranking citizens with a creepy ‘social credit’ system — here’s what you can do wrong, and...
#bigbrother #surveillancesociety #China 商汤科技以估值超过 30 亿美元从阿里巴巴等投资者获得了 6 亿美元 C 轮融资,它如今是世界上估值最高的 AI 创业公司。该公司的一个主要业务是面部识别,如果你曾走在中国城市的街道上或者使用中...
#phishingattack 你的朋友给你发了条短信, 但事后发现这条短信不是你朋友发的。这可能吗?安全研究人员Jordan Smith 称这是完全有可能的!他已经将其发现报告给了苹果和 Google。 攻击者所需要的是你安装了一个应用,这个应用获取了你的手机号码以及访问...
#anticensorship #signal ANY SUBVERSIVE SOFTWARE developer knows its app has truly caught on when repressive regimes around the world...
#censorship #anticensorship 内容运营商没有法律或道德权限可以自行任命审查员,更不是自称是事实或真相的仲裁者—— Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes CAPS发布了一份突破性的报告,证明了全球范围内对互联网进行全面大规模审...
#censorship #Youtube #privatecompanies #Facebook #twitter Prodding private companies into censorship by proxy is a dangerous government...
#surveillancesociety #bigbrother #Aadhaar 印度正寻求建立一个覆盖 13 亿人口的全国身份识别系统,扫描所有居民的指纹、眼睛和脸部,并将其用于从福利到手机的各种事情。公民自由主义者将这个名为 Aadhaar...
#censorship #China #VPN #privacy #encryption #InternetBlockade VPNs can still be used in China despite March 31 ban NordVPN, reporting a...
#Surveillance #media 太可怕了,美国国土安全部新闻秘书 Tyler Houlton 周五对备受整体的监测数据库发布了一份回应,称该数据项目是“标准做法”,还称评论家为“胡思乱想的阴谋论者”! ⚠️该数据合成工作的一部分将包括开发一个“数据库”,收集有关“...
#deletefacebook #anticensorship The corruption and surveillance culture of Facebook is baked in deep and can never be removed; if you...
#freesoftware #censorship Censorship machines are coming: It’s time for the free software community to discover its political clout Free...
#Syria #Trump #stopthewar Trump recently suggested that the U.S. should come out of #Syria “very soon.” Leading voices of the foreign...
#telegram #Russia #privacy Russia has filed a lawsuit to block #Telegram in the country because the instant messaging company has refused...
#deleteFacebook #anticensorship #surveillance #piracy 很多人一直相信,像互联网这样的全球通信网络可以成为一种积极的社会力量。尤其是全球各地的人权活动家、公民社会组织者、记者和政治学者,互联网为他们的工作提供了前所未有的便...
"Today, everyone who leaves Syria is considered a traitor." A big reason that Syrian refugees give for refusing to return home while the...
Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early...
The Dow on Wednesday rebounded, as Wall Street bet that tariff threats and tough talk on trade from China and the Trump administration...
#SelfCensorship and the State: Evaluating Progress on Free Speech in Uzbekistan How have reforms impacted the media environment in...