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Video: Whistleblowers defend democracy ⏳ Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Terry Albury

Writer's picture: IYPIYP

“Regardless of what one might think of Assange as a person, his WikiLeaks has helped reveal abuses of the rich and powerful in Europe, in the USA, in Russia,  and beyond”

罗德岛权利组织周三在联邦大楼外举行集会,在肯尼迪广场附近的普罗维登斯市中心,支持面临监禁的举报人 Edward Snowden,Julian Assange 和 Terry Albury —— 他们透露了政府机密,以保护民主免受政权的践踏。

Albury 可能是其中最不出名的,因此活动家 Randall Rose 在下面的视频中特别谈到了他。

Terry Albury 是明尼阿波利斯的黑人前联邦调查局(FBI)特工,被要求执行 FBI 的指令,“这些指令”在明尼苏达州和其他地方对少数族群进行了污蔑和恐吓。”Albury 将联邦调查局的秘密手册泄露给了独立媒体 The Intercept,这些手册显示了 FBI 如何纵容歧视、迫使人们成为线人,并渗透到团体中。

此后 Albury 被抓,他不得不承认未经授权披露“国防信息”,目前正在等待长达10年的监禁。

在下面的视频中,Randall Rose 为 Wikileaks 创始人 Julian Assange 辩护,他现在被切断互联网,禁闭在伦敦大使馆无法与外部世界进行沟通。 “无论人们如何看待 Assange,也无法否认,他的 Wikileaks已经帮助揭示了欧洲、美国、俄罗斯和其他地区的强权的滥用行为” ,Rose说。

Assange 因揭露有关政府虐待行为的信息而面临严厉的刑事指控,而美国政府多年来一直试图囚禁他。

这些视频来自 Brown War Watch 组织的 Matthew Ricci,由主张社会正义、人权和进步的新闻网站 Uprise RI 转载

⏳Wikileaks 出版过 800,000 多份关于俄罗斯的文件。如果有中文读者不了解关于俄罗斯的披露,这里的链接可以帮助解除疑惑。

Rhode Island Rights held a rally Wednesday outside the Federal Building near Kennedy Plaza in downtown Providence to support whistleblowers facing jail time, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Terry Albury, who revealed government secrets to protect democracy from governmental overreach.

Albury may be the least well known, so activist Randall Rose spoke about him in the video below.

Terry Albury, a black Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent in Minneapolis, was required to carry out FBI directives that “profiled and intimidated minority communities in Minnesota and other locations.” Albury leaked FBI secret manuals to The Intercept, manuals that show how the FBI allows itself to discriminate, pressure people into becoming informants, and infiltrate groups. Albury was caught, had to plead guilty to unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, and is now awaiting sentencing of up to 10 years in jail.

In the video below Randall Rose speaks in defense of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is now cut off from communicating with the outside world in the embassy in London where he has been granted asylum. “Regardless of what one might think of Assange as a person, his WikiLeaks has helped reveal abuses of the rich and powerful in Europe, in the USA, in Russia, and beyond,” said Rose.

Assange is facing severe criminal charges for revealing information about governmental abuses, and the United States government has been trying to jail him for many years.

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