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Facebook 之后 Google 应该成为下一个——终于有人明白了监视资本主义的本质

Writer's picture: IYPIYP

With Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg getting grilled on Capitol Hill this week over his company's data-gathering practices, privacy experts are asking a central question: Who let #Google off the hook? #SurveillanceCapitalism

在剑桥丑闻发酵后 Facebook 在探照灯下成为万众瞩目的焦点,扎克伯格被召唤到国会接受有关社交巨人数据收集政策的质询。然而相比 Facebook,另一家公司在利用用户数据牟利上远远走在前面:监视资本主义模式的缔造者 Google……

收集的用户数据更多,覆盖用户生活的面更广,利用用户数据产生的收入也更高。Facebook 可能做梦也想成为 Google。

非营利智库 Cracked Labs 的隐私研究员说,在跟踪和记录数十亿人日常生活信息上 Google 有着更大的足迹,而且侵入性更深入敏感性更强,许多人会用 Google 搜索不告诉伴侣的信息。

Google really has a much bigger footprint when it comes to tracking and profiling the everyday lives of billions of people, And it's often very invasive and very sensitive information. Many people try to Google search what they wouldn't even tell their own partner.

我们曾经在所有人瞄准 Facebook 时对此有过提醒:

这些观点 Julian Assange 七年前就说过。现在他再次被禁止说话了,人们是否还能记得当年他的警告?#ReconnectJulian

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